Saturday 27 February 2010

This past few days have been a bit challenging to say the least. Lydia woke up on Tuesday morning complaining of tummy ache and a sore throat and then vomited at the kitchen table so no school for her. Then on Wednesday night Piers went to bed Ok and woke an hour later screaming in pain and clutching his ear. It took calpol and ibuprofen to semi settle him and i was up and down every twenty minutes as he was vomiting, he has an ear infection and is on antibiotics. they are both thankfully on the mend now. I have been on nights for the past 2 nights and have not had a lot of sleep although more than i would have had as Dh took a carers day and looked after them yesterday so I could sleep for a few hours. I am not going to bed at all today as DH is at work and the kids are home it being saturday so not looking forward to trying to not be grumpy as i am so knackered. It has been busy at work delivered 3 babies 2 boys and 1 girl all normal deliveries with no intervention from doctors. I would love to work in a midwife led unit.
Marcus has gone to his nannas he has been a bit manic for the past few days sure something will come to light that has upset him or he is stressed about. I think tomorrow we will go for a long family walk and get some fresh air. I will probably bake something with Piers and Lydia today as it will keep me awake and keep them occupied. I am also hoping they will let me have a little snoose whilst they play, fat chance but you can dream. I was going to go shopping today to get some wool ran out for Piers scarf but DH has taken my car and I can,t be bothered on the bus today especially as the kids are not 100%. Might go to the park for a bit of a play if the rain holds off. Ned to ring my sister and friend nina also as i havn,t spoken to them for a while and must make a lunch date with my friend, Piers and Lydia want to go play with her children Joel and Niamh anyway. Poor Joel he is 10 and is idolised by Piers he is a good kid but it is so not cool to be adored by a 5 year old, and Piers follows him everywhere chattering incessantly. Lydia and Niamh are the same age and get on nicely together so everyone has a good time although I do like days with just my friend so we can a good old natter about old times. We did our nurse training together and had lots of holidays together the stories would make our DHs hair curl but don,t tell them.
Anyway must go and see what the monkeys are up to and plan my day so i don,t fall asleep.

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