Saturday, 6 February 2010

HI all not a good few days. In fact terrible few days would probably describe it better. Marcus is being a bit naughty a combination of autism and teenage does not mix. The other night we said no to a chinese takeaway and he kicked of big style screeming, shouting, breaking things totally innapropriate behaviour. He was asked to leave the room and was gently encouraged to do so my Miles but was reluctant, was gently pushed and continued to tantrum. Next thing my mum is on the phone, Marcus had rang her from his mobile and told her he had been punched and kicked by Miles, i told her this hadn,t happened but she believes Marcus. There are no marks on his body at all and now it has got to the point where my mum is interfering and we have no control at all. I am so upset and need to regain control of my son. Everyone is so upset Mum and i are barely speaking just being polite to each other so I left early last night. I can,t cope with all this hassle. Lydia hs been very upset about all this and we will spend time with her this weekend. Heres hoping for a quieter weekend, we really need it. Will hopefully have a happier blog next time.
On a plus note Piers and Lydia had there hair cut on Thursday i was worried about it as the last time Piers kicked the hairdresser as he hates the sounds and smells of the hairdressers. My hirdresser suggested we try him with rick who is really tall and obviously male it worked a treat He sat really well and looks gorgeous although he did before just a bit girly. Rick you have yourself a job. Lydia has also had a fair bit cut off her hair as it looked like rats tails swimming doesn,t help. She now has a shoulder lengnth bob so much easier to manage. I am going to the hairdressers next week not telling you what i am having done it is a surprise.

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