Thursday, 1 January 2009

Hello everyone

Hi i have never written a blog before and feel quite nervous about doing so. The reason I have decided to start blogging is partly for personal reasons (life is just running away from me and I have difficulty remembering what I did and when). The other reason is I have 3 children, run a house and work 30 hours a week. 1 of the children has a diagnosis of Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and a second has lots of difficulties and we are just undergoing the diagnosing process. I decided to write a blog as i hoped it would help me focus on the chaos of life and deal with the important stuff and also I might just be of some help to someone out there who also have special needs kids. I realised shortly after Marcus diagnosis that you need to be able to fight for your childrens rights which doesn,t always come naturally to me. I will try to keep my blogs as upbeat as possible but at times life is very difficult in my household (will definatley go into that more on other occasions). I am hoping 2009 is going to be a better year for us as 2008 was pretty rubbish to be honest and we could do with something good happening.
Anyway a little more about me. I am 37 (how did that happen), married to Miles who is 43 and have 3 children Marcus is 13 in 3 days and twins Piers and Lydia who are 4. I live in Doncaster, work as a midwife and have many other jobs as well as a housewife, you know what i mean by that, their are never enough hours in the day. My parents are Sue and Steve who are a great help with Marcus and give us much needed respite. i have 1 sister Sam who is married to Pete they have 2 children Jade 17 and Caitlin 6. I also have my fantastic in laws Doug and Doreen who always help with a spot of babysitting when our shifts clash. My best mate is Nina married to Wayne and children Joel and Niamh she has been a frein for 18 years this month and always their no matter what. Thanks Mate don,t know where i would be without you.
My other great passion is Take That going to see them in concert again for the 4th time this year can,t wait. I also try to lead as environmentally freindly life as possible, I am a real nappy advisor for Lollipop childrens products although this is difficult to fit in at times. i love cooking, make my own bread as often as possible and love spending time with my children.
My new years resolutions are to reduce my carbon footprint, be a better mother, lose weight and get fitter. Hope i have something of interest to you in my chaotic world and if i can help 1 person i will have achieved my aim. Hope to get to know you all well.


  1. The blog is fantastic, you are very brave and I am sure you have already helped someone feel there certainly not alone in this, I have simailer resolutions to yourself especially the carbon footprint to ensure a brighter world for our childrens children.
    I am a mum also to a son, 11yrs with complex needs including ASD traits, so I know all about the fight to get what our kids deserve.

    Happy New Year and all the very best for 2009.

    From Keran xxx.

  2. Hi Keren and thanks for your comment. At times i don,t know where we get the energy to fight but if we don,t who will. Hope you are well and happy new year.
